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XVR: New 2012 version now available

XVR: Virtual training at the site of an incident

XVR by E-SEMBLE (NL) is a widely recognized, high-quality serius game in the field of crisis management.

It is addressed to educate and train operational and tactical safety and security professionals.

Using a joystick XVR, which has a multi-player ode, allows one or more incident response professionals to walk, drive or fly around in the simulated reality of an incident. This gives them the opportunity to train in observing and assessing the environment. Furthermore they have to assess risks and dangers, decide which measures to take and what procedures to apply, and report to the other rescue crew members. While the students are distracted by surrounding noise and confusion, they are expected to focus on their tasks and to set priorities.

The instructor of the instructor is fundamental. Through an editor he can easily build an incident scenario; he has full control over the course of events in the scenario during the exercise. After starting the exercise The instructor presents the student with questions and asks the student to motivate his decisions. He can also give feedback, for instance by role-playing the control room or other rescue staff. The instructor can respond to the student’s decisions by activating events in the virtual scenario. The instructor may also decide to condense time and jump to a next phase in the incident

A new version of XVR is now available.

See more details at

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